Unleashing the Visionary Giant Within


Jul 3rd 2024
18:00 – 21:00


Factory Berlin Mitte
Community Space 1st Floor

This workshop is designed to give you thought strategies to enable you to gain insights into your maximal leadership potential

Did you ever wonder why many talk about leadership but not so many master it? Do you have an aspiration you're working towards? Or a far-out-of-reach dream you're hoping to turn into reality? Perhaps you've been challenged before and you no longer believe you're capable of creating visionary success.

It's time to stop wishing and trying. Instead, let's embark on a journey of enablement and education where we discover the essential elements of mastering visionary leadership and what it takes to get there.

Scientifically, leadership is the process with which we think, speak, feel and act to create an outcome. At any given time, we are leading and we're being led, the question is why are we struggling or getting outcomes that we don't desire.

You're invited to join us for our next workshop at Factory Berlin for an exclusive leadership development workshop titled ''The Blueprint of Visionary Leadership'' designed to transform your struggles into actionable insights to elevate your leadership game, results and impact.

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  • 18:00 - 18:30
    Open Doors
  • 18:30 - 18:40
    Factory Network Intro
  • 18:40 - 19:40
    Expert Keynote
  • 19:40 - 21:00

Sara Hegy is a multiple award-winning leadership coach and a scientist who is dedicated to helping other leaders achieve their full potential while being fulfilled. She grew up in an environment where producing results is a measure of self-worth. Hence, she always struggled to apply self-development teachings until coaching helped her gain clarity on her struggles and gave her tools to overcome them.


Through harnessing the power of her mind and taking effective action, she went from severely depressed to graduating with summa cum laude, winning a scientific prize, and her findings raised a $2.7 million research grant. Sara is the author of Leadership Mastery Unlocked: A 10-Part Journey in Harnessing the Brain Power for Personal and Professional Growth written for Brainz Magazine. She’s the founder of GenX Leadership Academy that globally serves and specializes in building innovative leadership bridges for extraordinary results.

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