Online Session: The Mathematics Behind Building a Tech Startup


May 21st 2024
20:00 – 20:45


Online Video Stream

Join Daniel, a seasoned mathematician who’s both built and been the first investor in tech startups valued at over €100M—all before his thirties. He will share his insights on how mathematics is the cornerstone for navigating your life journey. The session will contain mathematical frameworks and personal stories that can be directly applied to your personal and professional decision-making.

About EWOR

EWOR is where the most extraordinary people find the education, network, and capital to solve the world's biggest problems. Created by founders for founders, EWOR's leadership team has successfully built and exited 7 fast-growing tech companies - including a €1.2BN exit (Adjust), a €500 million exit (ProGlove), establishing the largest global entrepreneurship society for those under 26 (Sigma), and making more than 150 private angel investments.


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