Missteps to Mastery: Women Founders Evolving with Every Stride


Dec 13th 2023
17:30 – 20:30


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
Ground Floor, Lexis

How do you tackle challenges in your role as a woman founder?

Raising funds? Finding a associate? Hiring? ... The classic path for anyone wanting to develop a business, right? Well, this path isn't really the same for women: Research by BCG shows that "the average investment in companies founded or co-founded by women was half that of what is raised by only male-founded companies" - Forbes

This FREE event, hosted by HubSpot for Startups in partnership with its partner Factory Berlin, gives the floor to 3 inspiring women from different backgrounds to share their challenges and the lessons they've learned to bounce back and develop their businesses.

Plus, indulge in a delightful dinner after the insightful talk- an opportunity for networking and building meaningful connections.

Join us for an inspiring evening spotlighting remarkable women leaders, whether they're managers or startups founders. Share authentic experiences, learn from mistakes and collectively shape a more promising professional future. Let's collaboratively create innovative practices to propel our careers to new heights.

Important note:
Places are limited, Hubspot will inform you by email to confirm your invitation. Only one person from the same company can join.

Criteria: Be a Female Founder or co-founder and join HubSpot for Startups free program.

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  • 17:30 - 18:00
    Cocktails Networking
  • 18:00 - 19:15
  • 19:15 - 20:30
    3-course Dinner
  • 20:30 - 21:00

Kave Bulambo is the Founder and CEO of BlackInTech Berlin, a community and support system for Black developers and Black tech professionals living in Berlin. She is also the founder of TalentDiverse, a hiring platform that connects diverse talents with organizations that value diversity and inclusion.

Prior to starting her ventures, Kave Bulambo built a career in Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding with some of Europe’s leading technology companies.

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Understanding the importance of cofounder relationships and their influence on startups’ success and experiencing the difficulties of finding the right cofounder match, Isabella built Hatched together with her cofounder Lilla Szulyovszky in 2023.

Prior to that she advised early stage startups with her startup consultancy Seedling. She gained her expertise in Venture Building, HR and Sales by supporting startups, scale-ups and spin-offs across Germany.

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Bettina Fischer is the founder and CEO of Hivebuy. With years of experience in various financial areas at Lidl and Zalando, for example, she simplifies the indirect purchasing process with Hivebuy, from the initial requirement through to the invoice.

Accelerating sales & marketing for startups is Déborah’s mission at HubSpot for Startups. As well as being a Professional Coach supporting founders in their Go-To-Market strategy and Co-Founder of Volumely : Your Haircare Personal Shopper.

After 9+ years of working in Comms, Lea cofounded her PR consultancy : COHORT Public Relations, which support start-ups, VCs and business angels in telling their story and finding appropriate audiences.

Just to name few of Cohort PR clients:  SECJURDeeploiHiveVisionaries Club and more.

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