How to Convince Your German Employer to Hire You


Oct 26th 2023
18:00 – 20:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
1st Floor, Community Hub

Are you struggling with finding a job in Germany?

If you find yourself struggling to make a strong impression in interviews, uncertain about crafting an impressive CV and cover letter for your prospective German employer or feeling intimidated during self-presentation and salary negotiations, we've got your back.

In our upcoming workshop, our Womxn Circle will provide invaluable insights into what German employers seek, equipping you with effective techniques and compelling responses for a successful application process.

This workshop will especially offer some hacks for women on how to have more confidence in pitching and negotiating.

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  • 18:00 - 18:30
    Doors Open
  • 18:30 - 19:30
    Workshop + Q&A
  • 19:30 - 20:00
    Networking & Drinks

Alongside regular and casual meetings, the community Circles program has evolved to include monthly formal meetups supported by the Factory Berlin Team, where speakers from the wider network are invited to share their experience and expertise.

Women and female-identifying individuals gather to network and share resources–empowering each other to reach goals, make new ones and move towards them.

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Johanna is a former Co-Captain of Factory Berlin’s Women’s Circle and the founder of EMSPIRED – an agency that focuses on employer branding and recruiting services.

With over seven years of experience in recruiting for both international startups and German corporations, she has also led workshops within the startup ecosystem.

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