CHEW ON THIS: Creativity as a Sport
Creativity is an act of doing. It’s like a “muscle” that can be trained, so Chew On This made it "creativity as a sport".
To chew on something is an act of being creative: to contemplate, listen, reflect, create, consider, to be in active dialogue and collaboration while having fun with prompts*, peers, and problem-solving. (*Prompt: something that triggers creativity)
At the event we are playing Chew's own entrepreneurship simulator in a gameshow format, where teams compete in coming up in front of the audience (who plays the Investor) equipped with our own game-currency Mad Dough - The team with the most money in the end wins!
Chew on this takes place in a pop-up Creativity Arena which is what we call our venue after we hang up lots of curated prompts on the walls, filled with questions, ideas and more for us to chew on in the 3 part Chew game and entrepreneurship simulator:
- Connect with other players and heat up your creativity by exploring the Creativity Arena through dialogue
- Form temporary teams around topics you care about and collaborate on defining Quests-> (Challenges & opportunities)
- The simulator begins and all players can form teams around awesome ideas and try to rise investments, secure pitch-time and try to win the night by winning the market!
- Exercise your brain🧠 - come and BE creative
- Make new friends over topics that you actually care about
- Exercise and have fun with how to start a business and the art of Entrepreneurship
Let yourself be inspired by your fellow Berliners and what they're Chewing on.
Our first two public Chew games had 50+ participants, amongst them artists, founders, tech-professionals, designers, creatives, investors and students playing for 3 hours each game and the feedback has been fabulous!
People love to talk, who would have guessed? So, we are thrusting forward and inviting you to the next Chew on This; Game #003!
18:00 - 18:30Doors Open
18:30 - 22:00Chew On This
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