Big Table Brunch: What is New Work?


Jan 19th 2023
13:00 – 14:00


Factory Hammerbrooklyn
Town Hall

What is ‘new work’ really?

This Big Table Brunch, Christoph Janyska (Co-Founder of Adaption Lab and Captain of the Future of Work Circle) joins us to lead a discussion about new work innovations and how they're changing the way we work for the better.

New Work is a title used to describe team-building software tools, smart office furniture, and the reimagining of space - but it’s bigger than that. ‘New work’ is the disruption of our work culture in order to build more sustainable and innovative societies.

Join us at Factory Hammerbrooklyn for a discussion about the Future of Work. Stick around after the Big Table Brunch for a day of free co-working. Happy Thursday! #TGIT


About the Circles Program

Growing organically from our members’ desire to connect with one another, Circles are self-organized sub-communities at Factory Berlin, gathered around shared interests, industries, and projects, where members exchange ideas, inspire and support each other.

About Big Table Brunch

Big Table Brunch is a monthly networking format where members and guests share experiences, exchange ideas and connect over inspiring topics which drive our community, like Sustainability, Future of Work and Empowerment.

With speakers and hosts from our community and extended network, we welcome you to take a look at what we’re building here at Factory Hammerbrooklyn.

About Factory Hammerbrooklyn

Located at the heart of the Hammerbrooklyn Digital District, Factory Hammerbrooklyn is an ecosystem to inspire and empower, which brings together creative, academic, industrial and tech talent in a multi-city, global network. It is part of the 5000+ network of Factory Berlin with members across the world.

Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
  • 13:00 - 13:30
    Doors Open
  • 13:30 - 14:00
    Discussion led by Christoph Janyska (Captain of Future of Work Circle at Factory Hammerbrooklyn)
  • 14:00 - 14:30
    Optional Tour of Factory Hammerbrooklyn
Mann steht im Vordergrund

Christoph Janyska is the founder of AdaptionLab, a Factory Hammerbrooklyn based startup which brings the memory function to the office with smart and adaptable chairs and desks. He is also the captain of the Future of Work Circle at Factory Hammerbrooklyn

Uniting new work pioneers to create space for innovative solutions. The Future of Work Circle covers remote work, purpose and values, wellbeing, the future of leadership, personal development and beyond.

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In the context of Factory Berlin events, video, image or audio recordings are regularly made for promotional purposes. If members do not wish to appear on such recordings, they can inform Factory Berlin or the respective photographer at the event at any time. Alternatively, they can also stay away from the event in question.

Further information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy.

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