Crypto Girls Club presents Productivity Unleashed: Ride the Wave of your Cycle


Jan 25th 2024
17:30 – 19:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
1st Floor, Community Hub

​If you have a menstrual cycle, you've likely experienced the ever-changing landscape of emotions and energy levels throughout the month. We're constantly under the influence of hormones, and this doesn't just impact our personal lives—it also significantly affects our professional endeavors.

​Instead of feeling controlled by these hormonal shifts, we can proactively embrace and utilize them to empower ourselves and simply ride the wave.

Join us in this transformative workshop as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden patterns within our menstrual cycles. Together, we will gain valuable insights and discover how to optimize our productivity by harnessing the wisdom of our bodies' natural rhythms.

Learn how to navigate the ebbs and flows of your cycle to lead a more balanced and empowered life both personally and professionally.

We'll make sure to provide a safe space in all of our sessions.

This workshop session is facilitated by crypto girls club mentor, co-founder of ohr Nusha Rubin.

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  • 17:30 - 18:00
    Doors Open
  • 18:00 - 19:00

​crypto girls club is a community of curious learners, creators, developers, and entrepreneurs with the aim to inspire women to get involved in web3, to learn and evolve; to become leaders in blockchain.

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