February 5, 2020
Q&A With FemGems: Anne Kjær Bathel
Q&A With Anne Kjær Bathel, CEO And Co-Founder Of ReDi School Of Digital Integration.
Factory Berlin and FemGems present a new series focusing on empowerment, inspiration, and motivation. Each month we’ll bring you stories and a Q&A with FemGems, featuring successful female founders, entrepreneurs, and industry experts in Berlin.
Anne Kjær Bathel graduated from the renowned KaosPilot in Denmark, a hybrid business and design school. After working on an award-winning corporate social responsibility strategy at Samsung Electronics’ in Scandinavia, she moved to Japan to research social innovation under the Rotary Peace scholarship. At the Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, she founded ReDi School of Digital Integration. As one of Capital Magazine’s Top 40 Under 40 in Germany, she is a FemGems mentor and active community member and partner of Factory Berlin.

How do you start your day?
I wish that I could say that I start my day with yoga… but I snooze. I snooze a lot and a lot, like maybe half an hour.
Describe your personality in 3 words.
I am curious, passionate, and very driven.
What’s one thing you had to learn the hard way?
The hardest lesson for me was to learn when to let go of some team members. It always feels like a family when you’re building a startup, but sometimes people have a different pathway.

What is the biggest misconception people have about your work?
Oh, the biggest misconception is definitely that social entrepreneurs don’t need money. We do. We don’t make money, but we need money to survive.
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try, but you’ve always been scared to do?
I really wish I could learn to swim, but I’m a terrible swimmer. One day, I’ll succeed.
What inspires you in life right now?
I am deeply passionate about starting a new school in Duisburg. We will be teaching at five schools.

What’s your superpower?
My superpower is to connect people. I am a brilliant networker.
What mantra/saying do you live by?
If you want to go fast, travel alone. If you want to go far, travel together.
Name three habits for success.
Hard work. Hard work. Hard work.
What are you looking forward to in your professional life?
I absolutely love my team and I look forward to expanding with my team.

About ReDi School of Digital Integration
ReDI School offers students valuable digital skills and contact to a strong network of companies, technology leaders, mentors, and alumi to create new opportunities for everyone. They seek to break down barriers and use technology to connect human potential with employment opportunities while emphasizing dignity and humility. They are actively looking for mentors.