How Self-Care Leads To A More Sustainable Lifestyle


Sep 9th 2020
18:00 – 19:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park

In this workshop, you will learn how self-care practises like coaching, ayurveda and yoga can help us live a more sustainable life and activate the power within us to fight climate change and make a positive impact.

The workshop contains an interactive exercise that will help you see and feel the direct impact of your thoughts on your actions. This is followed by an open discussion where you get a chance to share your experiences and thoughts on this topic.

We believe it is important to turn TALK into direct ACTION, we will dive into exercises straight away.

Join the event

Elli Hulin works as a Life Coach to empower others to live a fulfilling and happy life. She guides people towards more self-reflection and helps them discover their individual powers and strengths.


Lisa-Marie Seiter is a yoga teacher, ayurvedic therapist and marketing strategist. She believes in the ancient Eastern teachings that see everyone and everything as ONE.


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