Customer Success in Education


Nov 2nd 2023
17:00 – 19:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
1st Floor, Community Hub

Join us and Philippe Best, a customer success management specialist with twenty years of experience across the education sector, for an engaging fireside chat hosted by the EdTech Circle, where we'll explore the ins and outs of customer success in educational businesses.

During this interactive panel discussion on the ins and outs of customer success, Philippe will share insights on the customer success life-cycle, how to build out a customer success organization, what makes a successful customer success manager, and more.

In addition, the panel will share their experiences managing customers in various markets and the unique challenges and opportunities these present. Whether you are waiting to land your first customer or are well-established and looking for new approaches, this conversation is for you.

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Join the event
  • 17:00 - 17:30
    Doors Open
  • 17:30 - 18:30
    Fireside Chat
  • 18:30 - 19:00

Helping to promote Education and Learning, the EdTech Circle provides a household for all stakeholders in Education to network and discuss challenges, opportunities, and learnings.

Growing organically from our members’ desire to connect with one another, Circles are self-organized sub-communities at Factory Berlin, gathered around shared interests, industries, and projects, where members exchange ideas, inspire, and support each other.

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