Community Breakfast: How to Be a Modern Patron of the Arts


Nov 1st 2023
10:00 – 11:00


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park
1st Floor, Community Kitchen

In this week's Community Breakfast, ArtConnect will dive into the ways in which modern patrons support artistic communities and how you can become one too. We will explore the different roles of patronage and the shared passion that drives artists to create.

Join us for a cup of coffee and a bowl of mymuesli, and meet like-minded curious minds in the always-dynamic creative industries.

Our Community Breakfast is an opportunity to start your day on the right note with coffee and tasty breakfast treats, get to know each other better, and pause to reconnect if you’re already hard at work. We’ll have a cheeky icebreaker game, or a community-led discussion around a specific topic, all to help you get to know other members, and get excited about the day ahead.

Check our announcements on Slack for the latest Community Breakfast agenda.

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Join the event
  • 10:00 - 10:15
    Doors Open
  • 10:15 - 10:30
    Presentation by ArtConnect
  • 10:30 - 11:00

ArtConnect is a platform dedicated to connecting people and opportunities in the arts. Their user-friendly platform allows you to easily navigate and connect with individuals locally and globally.

Discover a wide range of opportunities tailored to your artistic interests and goals. Their comprehensive database includes calls for exhibitions, residencies, grants, and art competitions, helping artists at all levels showcase their work and advance their careers.

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