As a member of our community, you will be part of one of the world’s most dynamic and innovative ecosystems. Our professional network of thought leaders and changemakers in tech, art, and business will empower the way you create.
You’ll be a member of our Berlin community, Factory Berlin, and our Hamburg home, Factory Hammerbrooklyn.
Membership gives you access to both our global network and all locations.
We’re excited about getting to know you. In this section, just tell us some of the basics.
Our membership is tailored to freelancers, founders, artists, activists, and solopreneurs who want access to our network, creative resources, workspaces, curated events, and digital tools, and who are ready to contribute their experiences and expertise to our shared mission of re-imagining the future.
Community is like chemistry. Just as a single atom can set off a huge reaction, each member can have a profound impact on our community. That’s why we evaluate applications based on the overall composition of our network.
In this section, we want to learn about your professional experiences and orientation so that we can understand how you fit into the mix.
Please double-check your information before submitting it.