About this application

A value-driven community is a curated community. That’s why we ask all prospective members to complete an extensive application form. In this process, we dare you to share openly about yourself – your experiences, your aspirations, and what makes you stand out – and we’ll tell you a bit more about what being a member at Factory Berlin means too.

We accept new members based not just on their individual qualifications, but on how we believe they will impact the overall composition of our community. Our careful process of curation ensures that we always have a diversity of industries, skill sets, backgrounds, and perspectives represented among our members. You can expect this process to take about half an hour.

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Women, non-binary and gender non-conforming, and transgender individuals are significantly underrepresented in the global startup ecosystem. We ask applicants to share their gender identity because we want to be a model for inclusion and closing the gender gap. Our goal is to achieve gender parity in our community.

At least one answer is necessary.
At least one answer is necessary.

BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) are routinely discriminated against in professional settings. We ask applicants to share whether they are from an underrepresented ethnic group because we want to be a model for diversity and inclusion, and are committed to lifting intersectional perspectives. By collecting this information, we are making access to our community more equitable for groups who in the past have been underrepresented in this environment.

At least one answer is necessary.
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Field is required. Field does not match given input format.
At least one answer is necessary.
Accepting is required.
What is included? ?
At least one answer is necessary.
A selection is necessary.
Do you know existing members of our community? ?
Field is required. Field does not match given input format. Incorrect ambassador code
The ambassador code is correct
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Tell us about your current or most recent professional experience.

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A selection is necessary.
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Field is required. Field does not match given input format.
A selection is necessary.
Field is required.
Field is required.
A selection is necessary.
One or more fields are required and have been left blank.

We are a purpose-driven community. Describe a goal that you want to achieve in the next six months, and tell us how you believe our community can support you in it?

Field is required. The entered text is too short. The entered text is too long.
Please pick the closest option. ?
A selection is necessary.

Thanks for applying!

Your application is currently winding its way through the digital realm, onto the screens of our trusty Community Managers who will take a look at your submission.

Please note that it might take us up to one week to process your application.


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